
1. Mutualize Trademark Use Policy

Mutualize, and Mutualize logo ("Mutualize Logo"), either separately or in combination, are hereinafter referred to as "Mutualize Trademarks" and are trademarks of Mutualize. Except as provided in these guidelines, you may not use the Mutualize Trademarks or any confusingly similar mark as a trademark for your product, or use the Mutualize Trademarks in any other manner that might cause confusion in the marketplace, including but not limited to in advertising, on websites, or on software. Mutualize protects the Mutualize Trademarks on behalf of the entire open source community. In fact, the law obligates trademark owners to police their marks and prevent the use of confusingly similar names by third parties. If you have questions about this policy, please contact Adaline Simonian at

2. Usage That Does Not Require Written Permission

Below are the guidelines for use of the Mutualize Trademarks where, as long as you are in compliance with the guidelines, no advance written permission is necessary. In all cases, use is permitted only provided that:

  • the use is only in connection with promoting the use of software provided by Mutualize which is definitively determined by the current list of repositories on the Mutualize GitHub organization ( Such software is defined as "Mutualize Software".
  • the use is not disparaging to Mutualize.
  • the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Mutualize.
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed.

2.1. Noncommercial and community web sites

With respect to whether or not it is permissible to show support for Mutualize by:

  • placing the Mutualize Trademarks on a personal web site or blog to support Mutualize
  • making a page on a social networking web service to support Mutualize
  • linking to the Mutualize website to provide information or show support for Mutualize

The guidelines relating to such usage are set forth in this section.

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks on websites to show your support for Mutualize, provided that:

  • where possible, the design logo hyperlinks to the Mutualize website,, or if that is not possible, the site includes a prominent link to the Mutualize website at
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  • the site indicates clearly that it is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mutualize; in addition, where possible:
    • the site must include the text "This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mutualize" prominently on any page that includes the Mutualize Trademarks, and
    • if the Mutualize Trademarks appear in a page header or any area that is designed to be presented on more than one page, the notice must also be designed to be presented on all of those pages as well. (i.e., if the Mutualize Trademarks appear in a site-wide header, the informational text must appear in that header or an identically site-wide footer.)
  • the site does not use visual styling that could be confusing to viewers or visitors as to whether the site is hosted by or on behalf of Mutualize.
  • A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use.

2.2. Business web sites

With respect to whether or not it is permissible to show support for Mutualize by:

  • displaying a link to the Mutualize website using the Mutualize Trademarks from a business web site
  • displaying the Mutualize Trademarks as part of a business that provides software that interfaces with Mutualize Software

The guidelines relating to such usage are set forth in this section.

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks on business web sites, provided that:

  1. the web site has non-Mutualize primary branding
  2. the design logo hyperlinks to the Mutualize website,
  3. the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Mutualize
  4. the use of the Mutualize Trademarks does not imply an association with nor any form of endorsement by Mutualize nor does it apply to any software which is not Mutualize Software
  5. proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  6. the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  7. the site does not use visual styling that could be confusing to viewers or visitors as to whether the site is hosted by or on behalf of Mutualize
  8. A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use

2.3. Promotional events

The guidelines relating to whether or not it is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks to promote software events such as conventions or trade shows are set forth in this section.

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks in such promotional events, provided that:

  • the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Mutualize
  • the use of the Mutualize Trademarks does not imply an association with or endorsement of the event of the goods distributed at such event
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  • A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use

If you would like to make some non-software goods to give away or sell at the event and don't already have a license to do so, see Non-software goods.

2.4. Publications

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks in the title and content of a publication, provided that:

  • the use is clearly in reference to Mutualize or Mutualize Software
  • the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of the publication by Mutualize
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  • A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use

3. Usage that Requires Prior Written Approval

3.1. Distributing software that interfaces with Mutualize Software

3.1.1. Providing links to unmodified, official Mutualize Software sources

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks to identify links to unmodified, official Mutualize Software sources, provided that:

  • the use is clearly in reference to Mutualize or Mutualize Software
  • the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of the website or parties providing the link by Mutualize
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  • A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use

3.1.2. Mutualize Software and third-party software that interfaces with Mutualize Software separately on same website

It is permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks to identify websites that contain links to unmodified, official Mutualize Software sources as well as other software created by a third party that interfaces with Mutualize Software ("Other Software") in a separate area of the website for use by the recipient, provided that:

  • the links to unmodified, official Mutualize Software sources must be provided on a separate section of the website and Other Software is not distributed from such part of the website
  • the part of the website through which the Other Software is distributed and is labeled and distributed in a way that clearly indicates it is not part of Mutualize Software or is endorsed by Mutualize,
  • it is clear who is responsible for the Other Software
  • the use is clearly in reference to Mutualize or Mutualize Software
  • proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Mutualize Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use.
  • the Logo Usage Guidelines are strictly observed
  • A copy of the use of the Mutualize Trademarks is provided to Adaline Simonian within seven (7) days of its initial use, for example by sending a URL or other copy of such use

3.2. Domain names

It is not permissible to use the Mutualize Trademarks, including the term "Mutualize," in an Internet domain name without written permission of Mutualize.

3.3. Non-software goods

Community members may request from Adaline Simonian a license to use the Mutualize Trademarks on non-software related goods or services, such as, but not limited to, T-shirts, stickers, and pens, by enquiring at Adaline Simonian will be responsible for reviewing samples of the goods and services and managing the relationship.

4. Unapproved Use

The following uses of the Mutualize Trademarks are not approved under any foreseeable circumstances.

Except as set forth herein, Mutualize retains and reserves all rights to the Mutualize Trademarks and their use, including the right to modify these guidelines.

These guidelines (except for trademark licenses executed for non software goods) may be amended from time to time at the discretion of Mutualize and such changes will be effective ten (10) days after the changes are posted. Mutualize may provide you with notice of such changes, but need not do so. You are responsible for checking this site for any changes.

5. Proper Trademark Use

One of the purposes of Mutualize is to encourage the use of Mutualize Software to enable the public to come to trust the use of Mutualize Trademarks. To achieve this purpose it is important that Mutualize Software can quickly be identified. Mutualize has chosen the Mutualize Logo to identify such software and is granting usage rights in the Mutualize Logo (and the other Mutualize Trademarks) as previously described in this document in order to assure widespread availability.

5.1. Trademark Usage Guidelines

Guideline Use examples
When using the Mutualize Trademarks you must provide the proper trademark symbols and a trademark attribution statement. Acceptable: Use for the first instance of the Mutualize Logo include the ™ mark, and include the statement "The Mutualize logo trademark is the trademark of Mutualize."
Unacceptable: Never using the ™ mark for Mutualize Logo, nor a trademark statement per the guidelines.
Always distinguish trademarks from surrounding text with at least initial capital letters or in all capital letters. Acceptable: Mutualize
Unacceptable: mutualize
Never pluralize a trademark. Never use "a" or "the" to refer to an instance of the trademark. Always use a trademark as an adjective modifying a noun, or as a singular noun. Acceptable: I put Mutualize on AcmeCo's server.
Unacceptable: I put a Mutualize on AcmeCo's server.
Never use a trademark as a possessive. Instead, the following noun should be used in possessive form or the sentence reworded so there is no possessive. Acceptable: Mutualize is easy to use.
Unacceptable: Mutualize's software is easy to use.
Never translate a trademark into another language. Acceptable: N/A
Unacceptable: [Mutualizar]
Never alter a trademark in any way including through unapproved fonts or visual identifiers. Acceptable: Proper use of the Mutualize Logo
Unacceptable: Putting a green hat on top of the Mutualize Logo
Never use or register any trademarks that are confusingly similar to, or a play on, the Mutualize or Mutualize Logo. Acceptable: N/A
Unacceptable: Mutualize Addon
Never combine your company name with the Mutualize name or use the Mutualize name in a way that it could be perceived that Mutualize and your company have an organizational link such as a joint venture. Acceptable: AcmeCo uses Mutualize on all its servers.
Unacceptable: Bix Max Mutualize servers are available for use.
Never use the Mutualize Trademarks in a disparaging manner or that violates any federal, state, or international law. Acceptable: N/A
Unacceptable: Cartoon character micturating on the Mutualize Logo, applying Mutualize Logo outside permitted uses
Never use terminology that states or implies that Mutualize assumes any responsibility for the performance of your products and services. Acceptable: AcmeCo uses Mutualize on all its servers.
Unacceptable: Mutualize runs AcmeCo's servers.
The Mutualize Logo must be hyperlinked to, in contexts where such a hyperlink is technically feasible. Acceptable: Hyperlinking the Mutualize Logo where feasible
Unacceptable: Not hyperlinking the Mutualize Logo where feasible

Except as prohibited by law, the person or entity who is using the Mutualize Trademark under the terms of these Guidelines ("User") acknowledges that Mutualize is the sole and exclusive owner of the Mutualize Trademarks and agrees that it will do nothing inconsistent with such ownership either during the term of such use or afterwards. Specifically, User will take no action that will interfere with or diminish Mutualize's right in the Mutualize Trademarks. The User acknowledges that the Mutualize Trademarks are valid under the applicable law and that User's utilization of the Mutualize Trademarks will not create any right, title or interest in the Mutualize Trademarks. The User agrees not to apply or assist any third party to register the Mutualize Trademarks or a confusingly similar designation anywhere in the world. If any application for registration is or has been filed by or on behalf of User in any country and relates to any mark which, in the reasonable opinion of Mutualize, is confusingly similar, deceptive or misleading with respect to, or dilutes or any way damages the Mutualize Trademark, User shall, at Mutualize's request, abandon all use of such mark, and any registration or application for registration thereof and shall reimburse Mutualize for all costs and expenses of any opposition or related legal proceeding, including attorneys' fees, instigation by Mutualize or its authorized representative. Upon the written statement that the User is not using the Mutualize Trademarks in accordance with the Guidelines, within ten (10) days, User shall modify its use to comply with the Guidelines or cease using the Mutualize Trademarks.

5.2. Logo Usage Guidelines

The Mutualize Logo is a trademark of Mutualize. In order to protect and grow the Mutualize brand, we have a distinguishable logo that can be used to mark Mutualize Software. When displaying the Mutualize Logo, please follow our standard Trademark Guidelines. Other sizes and resolutions of the logo, some suitable for print, can be found here. Additional guidelines regarding the logo's appearance are given below:

5.2.1. Logo Usage The Standard Logo

The Standard Logo

This is the complete Mutualize Handshake logo and word mark and should be used whenever the Mutualize brand is to be included in any content. In addition to this PNG file, an SVG file is also available. The Logotype

The Logotype

This is the standard Mutualize word mark and should be used whenever the Mutualize brand is to be included in any content. Greyscale or black-and-white versions may be substituted, per the same guidelines as described further for greyscale and black-and-white applications. The Symbol

The Symbol

This is the Mutualize Handshake logo and may be used without the Mutualize word mark. Using Logotype on Dark Backgrounds

Using Logotype on Dark Backgrounds

When the logo is used on a background that is darker than 50% grey, the logo should remain the same: Greyscale Logo

Greyscale Logo

In greyscale reproduction, use the greyscale png version on the logo: For Use on Light Backgrounds
For Use on Light Backgrounds

An indexed colour GIF is also available in greyscale. For Use on Dark Backgrounds
For Use on Dark Backgrounds

For dark backgrounds in a greyscale printing situation, use the following treatment of the greyscale logo: Black & White Logo For Use on Light Backgrounds
For Use on Light Backgrounds

Sometimes, often due to production costs, only one colour of ink is available and so Mutualize Logo must be reproduced using only one colour. In this scenario, the logo, logotype, or symbol must be used following the convention of using a light colour type on a dark background or in a dark colour type on a light background. The logotype and/or symbol outline must be clearly distinguishable from the background colour. You must honor the Mutualize Logo palette when possible, using black or white if necessary. For Use on Dark Backgrounds
For Use on Dark Backgrounds

5.2.2. Trademark Symbol

The 'TM' or ™ trademark symbol as determined by Mutualize must always be visible and readable for both the Mutualize Logo in the placements shown in these guidelines. You may not remove or obfuscate either of the TM or ™ symbols in the Mutualize Logo.

5.2.3. Clear Space

There should be sufficient clear space around the logo.

5.2.4. Colour Palette

Dark Blue:
CMYK (%): 93%, 92%, 46%, 60%
RGB: 22, 16, 50
HEX: #161032

CMYK (%): 0%, 23%, 87%, 0%
RGB: 255, 197, 58
HEX: #ffc53a

CMYK (%): 9%, 69%, 100%, 1%
RGB: 224, 109, 6
HEX: #e06d06

Dark Skin Tone:
CMYK (%): 33%, 66%, 98%, 26%
RGB: 141, 85, 36
HEX: #8d5524

Light Skin Tone:
CMYK (%): 12%, 33%, 67%, 0%
RGB: 224, 172, 105
HEX: #e0ac69

5.2.5. Bad Logo Usage Never Stray from the Colour Palette

Never Stray from the Colour Palette

5.2.6. Improper Design Usage Never Switch the Colours

Never Switch the Colours

Use a choice from the palette provided. Never Use the Design on Similarly-Coloured Backgrounds

Never Use the Design on Similarly-Coloured Backgrounds

Never use the design on similarly-coloured backgrounds. Use a choice from the palette that is appropriate for the background. Never Rearrange Elements of the Design

Never Rearrange Elements of the Design

Do not change spacing, alignment, or relative locations of the design elements. Never Stretch or Distort the Logo

Never Stretch or Distort the Logo

Do not change the proportions of any of the design elements or the design itself. You may resize as needed but must retain all proportions. Never Alter or Add Elements to the Logo

Never Alter or Add Elements to the Logo

Do not add graphics, insert words, or modify the design elements or the logo/design itself.